Friday, June 21, 2013

St. John the Baptist, Brenzone’s patron saint

Overlooking the lake, guarding the hamlet of Magugnano stay a fourteenth-century church erected in honor of “San Giovanni Battista”, the patron saint of the village. Partially built with white marble and, according to the original project, not yet completed, with a bell tower that rises and with its tolling, is giving every day the right rhythm in the village of Brenzone.

The Baptist is the greatest of the prophets (Luke’s Gospel 3,1-2) and in the church is based a statue representing the Saint, similar to the description that the evangelist Mark did in another chapter of the Good Book (Mark 1:6). The statue dates back to the '500 and is a work of fine carving representing the Baptist in the middle of the Saints Peter and Paul.

The influence of this figure in Christian history can be seen as, among years, many churches are dedicated to the saint, such the magnificent St. John's Co-Cathedral in La Valletta Malta, where Caravaggio decide to let the blood signed painting dedicated to the beheading of St. John. Other famous paintings are those of Leonardo in the Museum of Louvre in Paris, which immortalize the cousin of Jesus in the controversial painting the "Virgin of the Rocks" and in the famous portrait.

In June (the 24th) Brenzone celebrate the birth of the patron who, together with St. Rocco and St. Sebastian, have become religious icons of the Christian community in the village. For those are looking the liturgical moments in the village, our hotel will not hesitate to suggest places and times most suitable to practice your faith.


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